On this particular picture you can see a blue X mark on the left side. That’s the halfway down mark for the vertical aspect of…
This morning I got right to work on the “It Is Well” cross stitch project, which also reminds me that I need to add My…
I’m finally working on the Pattern site list for Cross Stitch and I’ve only put up 20 or so sites so far. I had a…
If you want 50 minutes of chill conversation while watching me stitch on my cross stitch project, The Reaper, then here you go!
I made some serious progress on this piece last night while I was watching the first round of the NHL draft. Then I stitched on…
Got another slice of stitching done on this beautiful My Big Toe Design tonight!
I pushed pretty hard after working on Old World Map 2 this morning to finish this page/row on Rainy Waterloo Place. I’m halfway (plus two…
I spent the early morning stitching away on the Old World Map 2 project, and I have made visible progress. I hope I can finish…
While boring and uncomfortably long, airplane travel is a fantastic opportunity to work on your cross stitch or other embroidery project. However, one concern may…