Stamped Cross Stitch Vs. Counted Cross Stitch: Which Should I Do?

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When it comes to cross stitching, there are really just two basic types: stamped and counted. For those that are new to the hobby, it can be a bit confusing to know which to choose.

Which type of cross stitch should you do? It depends on your level of skill, how involved you want to get into the hobby, and what type of pattern you want to stitch.

What Is Stamped Cross Stitch?

Stamped cross stitch is a cross stitch project where the pattern has already been “stamped” (imprinted) on the fabric itself. The colors of the stamping correspond to the color floss you should use.

This makes it a great hobby for those that are new to the hobby and want to be hand-held as much as possible. It’s also a great option for those that want to keep their cross stitching as simple as possible.

What Is Counted Cross Stitch

Counted Cross Stitch is a cross stitch project where the pattern isn’t pre-stamped on the fabric. Instead, the pattern comes on a separate sheet of paper along with the color key. Symbols that correspond to a specific color are laid out on the pattern.

You’re the one who has the count the squares correctly and make sure the project is stitched according to the pattern. While it can seem more daunting, most folks find it doable once they practice a little.

Which Type Of Stitching Should YOU Do?

This usually boils down to personal preference, but there are some factors that may make

Level of Skill

Just because you are new at cross stitching and perhaps very slow at stitching right now doesn’t mean that you should (or have to) do a stamped cross stitch.

Also, just because you’ve been stitching for years doesn’t mean you have to do counted cross stitch.

However, if you struggle with counting the squares correctly or tend to make mistakes in general in stitching, you may want to stick mostly with stamped cross stitch. After all, the goal with a hobby like cross stitch is to pass the time in a fun and relaxed way. If you’re struggling because of mistakes, then you’re likely to stop stitching at some point.

Degree of Complexity

If you want something simple and basic to stitch, stamped cross stitch would be the way to go. In general, you’ll usually use less colors and everything will be laid out for you.

However, if you want to take things to the next level and try something more challenging, counted cross stitch patterns hold that for you. There’s really no limit to the level of complexity you can reach from blended threads, different types of stitches, and even size of the pattern itself.

Finished Project

What do you actually want to stitch? A stamped cross stitch project can make for a great table runner, tablecloth border, or even a pillow case.

If you want something you’d want to hang on the wall and admire for years…well, honestly you can do that with either. However, because of the higher complexity and increased color usage of counted cross stitch, those projects are likely to look much better hanging on a wall. Then again, some stamped cross stitch projects look pretty good nowadays.

Wrapping It Up

Cross stitch is a great and relaxing hobby. You should stitch what you want to and not get wrapped up in whether it’s stamped or counted. Enjoy your stitching!

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