Weekly Update for Last Week of November, 2019

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I had a bit of a situation with the video this week. As I was starting to record, our cat Mercury jumped up on the chair beside me. I think he was simply hungry and wanted me to feed him, but that was the first time in over 200 videos that he’s ever done that!

Unfortunately, the editing process didn’t go quite as planned. For some reason, despite the fact that my editing software showed the video as one whole video, only the main part of the video loaded to YouTube.

Here is the first minute of the real video which shows Mercury jumping up on the chair and what happened afterwards…

Then here is the main video. This week I got a great deal of cross stitching done! Probably the most productive week in over 6 months! Of course, it helps that I got to stay home on Tuesday because of a major blizzard that passed through Denver.

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