Your Ultimate Guide To Rock Painting

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Rock painting has gone viral and has burst onto the social scene with groups forming all over the world to share rocks and to see how far they can travel. You do not have to be an artist to paint rocks. In fact, children and adults of all ages are spreading joy everywhere, one rock at a time.

What is the big deal about? Mostly, it is just a fun way to connect with others and to spread some happiness. Some people find it super cathartic to create the rocks while others thrive on checking online to see if anyone found their favorite yet. There are lots of ways to have fun with painted rocks.

The basic idea is that you paint a rock and hide it for someone else to find. When you find a rock, check the tag on the back, take a pic and post it where the tag tells you to and then hide it again for someone else to find. While most people hide them again, some will find one that they really connect with and will keep it.

Since we are really trying to spread joy with the rocks, it is okay that people keep them. In fact, some people paint them and give them away instead of hiding them. Nursing homes and assisted living homes are wonderful places to send rocks that you made for someone to enjoy rather than find.

Read on to learn all about where to find supplies, how to paint rocks, what to do with them and how to track them. Everything you need to know for your rock painting adventures can be found here.

What Do I Need to Get Started?

1. Rocks
You can get these from your own yard or you can purchase them from a local lawn and garden center or online. Look for smooth rocks that are easier to paint and design on.

2. Acrylic paint or acrylic markers, also called paint pens
You can find paint and markers at local craft stores or online.

3. Sealant
You can use Modge Podge or a spray like Krylon. You can use either matte or glossy.

4. Paintbrush
You only need a paintbrush if you are using paints rather than markers or if you are using Modge Podge.

5. Idea Books
These books are totally optional, but can be a lot of fun to look through for ideas.

What to Paint on Your Rocks

Some people will simply paint or draw something that makes them happy, like the face of a cat. Others may just draw what is easy for them, like a rainbow. Positive quotes are also very popular for writing on rocks with the paint pens.

There are a few artists out there who are painting extravagant pictures or landscapes on rocks. There are also entire groups dedicated to painting dot mandalas on rocks. Once you begin searching, you will find that there is no limit to the ideas out there.

Find something that resonates with you and give it a try. If you are concerned that it will not be fancy enough, then stick to quotes with some flowers around the outside. People love quotes and flowers are super simple but always make people smile.

Do you have a business? Some businesses use the rocks for marketing purposes. The design would not include your business, but the tag on the back could include business information or a special offer.

Perhaps you have a social agenda, like increasing the number of members in your rock painting group. You can add information to the back asking them to join the group. There are many different ways that the rocks can be used, but first and foremost, spreading joy should be the goal.

Choosing what to paint will be the most difficult part. The fun part is actually making that rock look beautiful. You simply want to spread joy with these rocks, so do not focus too much on being super artistic.

Quick Steps to Painting the Rocks

1. Be sure that your rock is clean and dry.
2. Decide on what you will paint or draw.
3. You can sketch it out first on paper.
4. Paint or draw on your design or quote.
5. Add your tag and/or hashtag to the back (more information in “Tracking Your Rocks” below).
6. Seal your rock with Modge Podge or with 2 clear coats of Krylon.

What Do I Do With the Rocks?

You can simply hide them and hope that someone finds them, but there is another step you can take to make it more fun. Most communities have groups set up on social media sites that allow you to post pictures of your rocks. You can make a post after you hide them so people know to look for them.

Some groups will run events where they ask everyone to create certain types of designs on their rocks. Then they have a day where everyone hides and looks for other people’s rocks.

Social media groups are also a great way to learn about the wonderful ways that painted rocks can bring neighbors together or help people make new friends. Some of the groups even meet-up in person from time to time.

Rock Painting Beginner’s Guide

If your community does not have a specific group, do not let that discourage you. There are tons of groups on Facebook and Instagram that are for anyone. You can get tons of ideas, including tutorials on how to paint certain designs and unique places to hide your rocks.

You can also just do your own thing and not join a group. You can hide them when you are vacation or when you are out of town to see how far they end up. You can even mail them to family or friends who live far away and ask them to hide them where they live.

As mentioned above, you can also just give the rocks away if you simply want to brighten someone’s day. Add one at the base of a pot of flowers as decoration or maybe leave one on a neighbor’s doorstep along with a note or baked goods. Spread joy how you see fit and have fun while you are doing it.

How to Track Your Rocks

In order to find out where your rock is traveling, you will want to add a tag to the back. The tag can be painted on, written with an acrylic marker or written on paper and glued on as long as you are adding a sealant.

If you have joined a group, then they will likely have suggestions of what to put on the tag, including the group name, so people know where to go to post the pic after they find it. Be sure to check back into the group to see if anyone posts pictures of your rock.

You can also add a note to your rock asking people to send it as far as they can. You never know who will find it. Maybe they have contacts on another continent that they are willing to mail it to.

You can also add an additional hashtag to your rock so when you are searching the group, you can search by hashtag and find it faster. The hashtag would be specific to you, not your group.

If you want to track every single rock easily, then consider using your first name with a number that corresponds with a specific rock. For example, the first three rocks in Kim’s collection may be hashtagged as #kim1, #kim2 and #kim3.

Now you are ready to get started creating your own beautiful rocks to share with others. Have a wonderful time and be sure to breeze through the tips and tricks below for rock painting success.

Painting Rock Tutorial

Tips and Tricks For More Fun

1. Watch video tutorials to learn how to paint new designs.
2. Let the first sealant coat dry completely before adding a second.
3. Double check the spelling on your tags and hashtags before hiding the rocks.
4. Hide rocks in public places, not on private property.
5. If there are sharp edges on the rock, sand them down so no one gets hurt when they pick it up.
6. Do not put too much personal information on the rocks, especially your children’s information.
7. You can set-up an email just for receiving hashtags if you do not join a social media group, but the safest way to track your tags is through a group on social media where they do not have access to your personal profile.
8. Make a social event out of painting rocks by having friends or family over to help.
9. Use paintbrushes sized 0 or 1 for best results on smaller rocks.
10. Do not judge your own artistic talents. Just have lots of fun.

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